The first day of Quincy's horse show went well despite the cold, rainy weather. Dandee, usually a mild-mannered, sleepy kind of horse, turned into her alter-ego, Speedy Gonzalez! So fast that Quincy had to work extra hard to slow her down to a normal speed. Careening around corners at a hundred miles per hour generally doesn't win ribbons in the hunter arena, but Quincy, with her
amazing riding skills, kept the beast under control and managed to place 6th out of 17 in her hunters round. :0) We are looking forward to tomorrow (tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow) when we are hoping for a calmer ride and maybe, just maybe, another ribbon or even two or four.
I do believe Quincy and I are a little over-tired and giddy right now.
These pictures are not from today, but from earlier this week when the sun was shining and all was right with the world. Maybe we'll get some pictures of Quincy in her riding gear next time.
Qunicy, i can not wait to hear how today goes. You look fantastic in that picture on Dandee. Wish we were there with you.
Quincy...you go girl!!! We are so proud of you, 6th out of 17. Yay!!! We'll be waiting to hear how today(Sat.) went and to see pics and find out how many ribbons you won
Good job quincy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! almost as awsome as me!
love, Dandee
Dandee-lions for Dandee?
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