Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cable car ride

It's been too long since I've posted, but we've either been without internet or just too tired to think. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch you up on all of the things we've done in the last couple of days.

Way back, a million years ago, 0r was it just a couple of days ago? we were in San Francisco. The girls and I decided to take the cable car to Chinatown. Dan and the boys didn't want to
wait on line, so they hiked it up the hill. I'm glad we waited, because not only did we not have to hike up those hills, but we had fun on the ride.

Julia sat with me, but Quincy got to hang on to the side of the car. Very cool.


Leslie said...

i was beginning to wonder what had happened to you guys...i was hoping you had made it across death valley!!! I would have waited in line too...that must have been fun to ride outside the trolley. How cool!

Colleen said...

Hey, Lez, so glad to see you there. Thanks for letting me know you're out there reading.

Elizabeth said...

Looks like that was alot of fun!!! I'm having a blast following your trip!!! Makes me feel like i am right there with you guys!

Grammie/Mom said...

I would have wanted to ride on the outside like Quincy. I'm glad you're back blogging. I was beginning to imagine "mom" 'did they have an accident', 'is someone not feeling well' etc.(:0}