Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wishing for a magic portal

So, I've been doing a lot of shopping lately. We need to eat, so I'm off to Costco. We need printer paper, so I go to Target. New bookshelves? IKEA! But, once I'm there, I find myself feeling sort of sad and lonely. I didn't know why, but then I realized that there was a small part of me that was expecting to run into a friend, but my friends aren't here. They are all home in Washington. You know, every Target, Walmart and Costco look identical, so it's easy to forget where you are. If only there was some sort of magic portal that would transport me to any other store I chose, once I walked through those automatic sliding doors.
This past year in WA, I found myself running across friends in all sorts of places. Marla and I would find each other in Target. I'd find Holly and her girls in Costco. I'd give anything to go yard sale-ing with Jody. I just wanted all of you to know that I miss you. Not just the ones I've named but so many, many, many more.
Now I feel silly for whining, but I wanted to get that out there. Miss you all.
And, because I hate posts without pictures, here's one for you. I've been scanning old pictures and getting them on the computer starting with my baby pictures. This is one task that will take a very long time!
East coast people... I am very glad to be nearer to all of you. It's been great visiting with family and friends and hopefully, I'll see even more of my east coast friends over time.


Elizabeth said...

I miss you guys! I'm glad you are on the east coast and i cant wait to see you!

Leslie said...

you bet it won't be a easy task...because mom and dad took a boat load of pictures of you. Should i have to scan baby pictures of me it would take about a hour or maybe a little more.

Kate said...

haha I feel the same way leslie. us second borns go shorted out on the pics.

Marla said...

WE MISS YOU GUYS!!! I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I'm still waiting for a phone number. We need to get those xbox headphones from the boys. I promised Triniti we would come visit next fall. I love following you on your site. It makes it seem like you are not sooooooo far away.

Quincy said...
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Colleen said...

Marla!!! So glad to see you here. We miss you guys so much. Tell Triniti that Julia says Hi.