Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day after Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas and all through my home
Not a surface was uncluttered wherever  I roam.
The stockings were strewn all across the floor
The recycling was spilling out the closet door

The children were sleeping off their sugar high
“Too much egg nog and cookies and candy”, I sigh.

Mama wanders aimlessly wondering what to clean up
“I know!  I’ll put a new blog post up!”

The kids had a blast with all their new toys
Seeing them all play together brings us great  joy.
The grandparents have discovered the thrill of Wii bowling
But  rock band is what gets me going!

I hope your holiday was wonderful  for you
Filled with love and family and happiness too.
So from our family to yours, we say with delight,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”


Brandi said...

That was GREAT!

Leslie said...

i love this...especially the picture of Bob "bowling"!!! i linked to you today...this is such a clever little poem

Colleen said...

Awww... thank you.

Pokey said...

Good poem, it certainly is appropriate for today!

Catherine said...

A very clever poem and probably very appropriate to many homes!

Grammie/Mom said...

Have I ever told you you are a clever one? You're a poet and I didn't even know it! Great pictures from your day.

Mary said...

Awesome poem! I love the photos of sleeping...yay for Christmas naps.

Dolly said...

Very cute ! (sister sent me)
My favorite part is the nearly finished puzzle. We had to put one together yesterday too.....too much fun !
Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing real life.

Teri said...

AWESOME!!! I love it Colleen!!! Merry Christmas to you guys!!

Chantelle @ photo mommy said...

Love it!

Jientje said...

Another beautiful post!
Merry Christmas to you too!

Ingrid said...

You had a very nice Christmas and you made a very nice post with it !

T.J. said...

What a fun post! Great photos of your sleepers, wish Santa had brought me a bit more sleep for Christmas ;) Happy New Year!

No Longer 25 said...

Great post! I love the way you mixed the poem and photos. Looks like you had a lot of fun though!