Sunday, December 20, 2009

Macro Monday

mI found another photography challenge that may be just my thing!
Ever since I realized that this silly old point and shoot that I own (am stuck with) actually takes pretty decent close-ups (or macro shots), I've been using that function as often as possible.
I'm actually quite excited by the pictures that I've been getting now that I've moved the camera off of the "auto" function.

This picture was taken earlier today while someone (whose name should be obvious) was eating lunch.
Didn't her mother ever teach her not to play with her food?
Oh, I'm her mother?  Well... darn.

Want to see some other really great close ups?
Check out macro monday.
There are some great shots of dragonflies and mushrooms and other such things.

oh, and for those who have already seen this picture on Julia's blog, sorry for the repeat...


Müge said...

Perfect photo! Really creative composition! I love it very much! :-)

Have a beautiful new week and a Merry Christmas! :-)

jay said...

Oh, that's sweet! LOL!

Yes, point and shoots can be good for macro, and much more fun if you switch the dial from 'auto'!

villager said...

Great photo and a great idea for a photo. Makes my hungry for soup as well!

Unknown said...

Fun! I bet it was fun finding the right letters. :)

Chie Wilks said...

wow...a name made of noodles, that is considered as art...very impressive shot

mine is up too

Magdalena said...

Great and funny shot on the noodles but my mom told me not to play whit the food:))

Anonymous said...

Great momemnt. You grabbed it nicely. I can imagine my granddaughter (whose name we won't mention) would do something like this. Kids are great. And the things they do (most of the things) are a treat.

Ginger@When Ginger snaps... said...

Can I just say... creative? Fabulous idea for Macro Monday!

Bunch of Barrons said...

Great shot! I LOVE macro shots, and this one is really creative! Thanks for your comments on my blog! :)

Jama said...

That a very creative shot!

Ingrid said...

Very creative, lol !

Birgitta said...

Great photo!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

That's a great shot! As I also am stuck with a point and shoot and I'm struggling with making the most of it, I can relate, and this inspires me to keep trying. Thanks! :)

Dutchbaby said...

Great capture! I hope this yummy-looking soup didn't get cold in her pursuit of finding all the right letters.

Dave said...

Nice - our two year old loves alphabet soup as well.



K Soucy said...

I like this! So creative.