Saturday, January 2, 2010

PhotoHunt : Lick

When I saw that the photohunt challenge was "lick", I knew I had the perfect picture to post.
Don't you agree?



A. said...

I adore cows, but I'm not sure I'd want to be licked by one. Great shot!

Thanks for visiting mine. :)

marina said...

I love it!

Scott Law said...

Ewwwww is right. I wouldn't want to stick my tongue in my nostril even if I could. Great take on the theme and welcome aboard the game.

Leslie said...

uck, where did this picture come from?

Brandi said...

Yucky! Mooooo!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great capture!!

Ingrid said...

What a cute picture, but a big tongue, she would wash my face, lol ! I prefer the little cat sand paper tongues then !

photomommy said...

Gross! But it is a great capture and super appropriate, so props to you!

Jientje said...

Awwww, YES!!!! I LOVE cows, can you tell???
Perfect picture Colleen!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Cool shot. Great color.

Jay said...

Yes, perfect! LOL!

I love how cows lick right up into their nostrils! Each to his own. ;)

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Sometimes I wish I could do that with my nose.

Is that gross?


Great capture!

stormdoerr said...

Great shot!!
Wish I was able to do that (my daighter wouldove it too :D)
Y get ur fingers dirty when u can just use ur tongue!!! Lol

Irene said...

That's a nice photo though it sort of ewww ;p

Thanks for dropping by last week. Was out of town and didn't manage to visit your post.