Sunday, April 11, 2010

Meadowlark Botanical Gardens

It was such a beautiful day yesterday (67 and sunny)
that I just couldn't stand to stay inside.
I could have chosen to hang out in my backyard, 
but really that would have been a bit boring 
and I'd probably spend my time stressing about all the yard work that needs to be done.

Better to just ignore that and go someplace where they've already done all the hard work.

I expect that I'll be heading back there a few more times this summer
to see the new flowers as they pop up.

Since it's Sunday, I'm going to link up with Lotus' Weekly Winners.



Lovely Times A Million!!!

Ingrid said...

It's so nice to see flowers after this long winter ! I too have to go out when the sun is shining !

Alita said...

WOW, what a smorgasbord of lovely well taken shots. Where is my red marker to circle all my favorites? There are so many of them. I really like the curled leaf in the last collage in the upper right corner. The pansy shot is incredible! I also love the sun bursting over the white flower in the top picture lower right corner. FANTASTIC PICTURES! I bet you had a blast taking them. I also bet there are tons more that you took, too. Now I'm gonna have to look up our closest botanical garden so I can go play. LOL!

Colleen said...

Alita, I did have a great time. You picked out some of my favorites especially the curled fern. Run, don't walk to your nearest garden, it was great!

Jientje said...

I did the exact same thing yesterday! I love how you sorted them by color. All great pictures, almost impossible to pick a favorite!
Okay, maybe the curled leaf and the tulips.

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

These are beautiful! Such lovely colors! I love the purple & white ones

Unknown said...

What beautiful shots! So much color!

Rachel said...

The colors! WOW the colors.
Gorgeous pictures, the DOF, the contrast, the sharpness. Those shots are Simply AMAZING

Grammie/Mom said...

The Redbud favorite. I'm going to walk by my favorite one in town this afternoon. No camera though...broken :0(

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

Pretty! I love the orange/pink group!

Unknown said...

Oh wow, that is just so beautiful!! Love all the spring flowers!

Tara R. said...

So many gorgeous flowers! A beautiful spring bouquet.

Unknown said...

i love the color sets! (and bleeding hearts are my favorite!)

Danifred said...

Bleeding hearts... my favorite! I need to make a trip out to Meadowland and don't know why we never go!

Leslie said...

very pretty!!! sounds like a on thing to do on a beautiful day.

AmazingGreis said...

Those flowers are all gorgeous! Love the pictures!

Unknown said...

SO LOVELY. I love that orange set most of all.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful compilations you've put together!

Jay said...

Oh, you got some wonderful pictures! What a lovely place it must be.

My favourites are the pale pink 'bleeding hearts', the bracket fungus and the fern frond. Gorgeous!

Killara girl said...

omg i just have to hubby will think i've gone nuts....your photos are stunning! love the 1/2 tulip with the orange in the background (my fav colour)!