Monday, April 26, 2010

Six legged critters

For some reason, six legged creatures don't worry me nearly as much as the eight legged types.
Well.. that might not be true... I mean cockroaches pretty much gross me out,
but these little guys were fun and interesting to shoot.
Initially, I was just trying to get a better shot of the tiny little flowers,
but then this guy crawled over the edge and decided to pose for the camera.
Thank you, kind sir.

We found this little guy in my house.  
I believe that it's a baby praying mantis.

That was just my best guess, but someone who actually knows about these things
said that it probably is not. 
Hmmmm... so now I'm wondering what this little guy was.

He was so incredibly tiny, but he tried hard to look fierce.

For more close ups check out Lisa's Chaos.


Grammie/Mom said...

I can't believe you took that picture of the ant!! I was sitting in church yesterday(I really was listening to the message!)thinking that ants would be cool to snap using your fancy lens'. Were you reading my mind?

Leslie said...

what did you do with the praying mantis?

margie said...

he is absolutely too cute!!!!!!

Jay said...

I love insect photography! Is that what a baby mantis looks like? I suppose he might develop those chunky grasping front legs later?

The ant is a fun little guy!

Brown Family Blog said...

awesome shots! That first one definitely is interesting!

Jayne said...

Great shots!

Yellow House said...

Your pictures are so inspiring! I am so glad to have found this blog to kick my skills in gear!

T.J. said...

That praying mantis is cute, yes cute! Is it because of the photographer's angle, or the mantis' personality? That I don't know, but super cool shots regardless!!!

Don't Bug Me! said...

I am always trying to persuade people that bugs are cute, but not many believe me. BTW, the baby bug is not a praying mantis - if you look carefully, you can see a long tubular mouth folded up under the head - that is a peircing sucking mouthpart of a true bug. No idea what kind, since you really need to see some wings to ID these things, and this guy won't get his wings until he becomes an adult.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

He really does look fierce. Did you kill it? ;)

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

He is trying to look fierce. Looks like a grass hopper . I love his feet.

Ingrid said...

I have a serious problem with all creatures I can't pet, lol !

Jess said...

I love how in your last shot he/she is just standing there like, "What, you gonna mess with me!?"

Anonymous said...

Great detail you've capture of this insect.

DoanLegacy said...

Those are beautiful flowers, and that critter is what I love to see in the summer.

Annelie said...

Wow! Amazing pictures! It looks like he/she (?) posed for you on the third picture.....
Good shot!

Kim, USA said...

Amazing pictures!! What freaks me out is the snake ^)^ Happy Monday!


namaki said...

These are great captures !!! bravo !

Daniela said...

Beautiful macros

Skoots1moM said...

funny creatures...
God's creativity again :)

Jac said...

Never really thought I would enjoy shots of crawly creatures so much!!

(And I can't say I'm going to venture out to shoot them either... LOL!)

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three

Anonymous said...

Beautiful capture! That flowers are gorgeous!

MyMaracas said...

Awesome. I love it when insects sneak into the picture. Sometimes you don't even see them until the photo's on the computer, and it's always a fun surprise. Love that tiny guy in the second shot, and you've done a wonderful job capturing his "personality".

Jama said...

Cool shot! I love insect photography, especially if they are a good 'model'! lol

Killara girl said...

those blossoms are beautiful...can't say too much for the ant, never seen a beautiful one of those!

i think the other one looks like a cricket but green...maybe a baby grasshopper?

I'm having a little difficulty with the senses for the challenge too. I have a ton of photos i'm going to wing it with a few there...the hardest was sound...but i figured i'd just get the action.

Johnny Nutcase said...

wow, what a tiny and cute little guy! I love him..not sure what he is either, but I like him! Great macros, he's so itty bitty!

Suburban Girl said...

Very nice. Such clarity in those shots. And they're all tolerable except those hundred legged centipedes. They make me RUN.

Jientje said...

Only YOU can make insects look cute!

Leslie said...

i was on a blog today and they had this same little bug and said it was a stilt bug.