Julia was our photographer today. She took some pretty great pictures outside, but the indoor ones were a little tougher to get. To be honest, I couldn't have done any better if I had tried. Even though some were blurry, we are sharing them because we think that they give a good sense of what Quincy was doing.
Great job, Quincy!
Congratulations Quincy!!! Oh my goodness, so many ribbons. Grampie and I are so PROUD of you. WOW!! Julia, your photographs turned out very nice. Keep it up.
hooray Quincy. Congratulations on such a great job. It looks like you took all the ribbons. Quite a collection!!! I wish we could have been there with you.
Quince, Grampie wants you to know he printed out the pic of you with the multi-colored ribbon and the one w/all the ribbons. He took them to work and pinned them up on his wall.
outstanding performances by Grant and the girls. Looks like their at home at either the piano or on horseback. I even liked Kevin on the lawnmower, that I can relate to. We're very proud of all you guys, keep up the good work See ya soon we hope.
Ha!I got a laugh from Bob's comment regarding KEVIN ON THE LAWNMOWER! I missed you Kevin. I would love to hear you play the guitar.PLEASE? Just for distant family members?
Grant,Quincy,Julia: You were all terrific! Grant, your performance was especially touching. I love you all; I am just proud as a peacock. Thank you for the Blog. Grandma Margie
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