Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer Phantoms

I went out this morning to catch some of the early morning sunlight in my backyard
and found there the last vestiges of summer.

A sand dollar found on the beaches of Maine and left on our back deck to bleach in the sunlight.

A mason jar used to catch fireflies.

The air holes rimmed with rust and dust.

The sprinkler... dry and cast to the edge of the lawn.

Tiki torches stacked alongside the house waiting to be stored away until another party on another summer's day.

Summer is on it's way out.  
School starts tomorrow.
While I'm looking forward to the new schedule and exciting activities that this Fall will bring,
finding these things gave me just a tiny twinge of sadness about the end of the summer's fun.
(but I won't miss the 90+ degree weather!)


Maaike said...

lovely shots!

Grammie/Mom said...

I too won't miss the 90-100 degree temps and high humidity!! I love Fall!

Ingrid said...

Very creative shots !

jp said...

beautiful detail

SarahinSC said...

I won't miss the heat at all either! Beautiful shots! My fave is the sand dollar.

Charmaine Poulin said...

Great shots! I love the sand dollar!!!! Thank you for visiting my blog!

Ashley Sisk said...

Great shots - I love the first one.

Mrs. Bird said...

Cool photos! I love guys start school the "normal" way...we've been in session since Aug. 12....

Leslie said...

have a good first day of school....we are on to our second week and are adding in a few more things.

Jientje said...

The end of Summer, it makes me a bit sad too. I don't think we have 90+ temperatures here in Belgium though.

Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to fall... crisp cool air, colorful leaves, sweaters, pumpkin spice lattes!! But summer does deserve a proper goodbye... great post!

Julie said...

That was beautiful. Loved it. Words and pics. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful focus and depth of field in the sand dollar image.

Alita said...

I really enjoyed your DOF in the sand dollar shot chica. Nice summer remnants. :)