Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Cave

Every kid should get to do this at least once in their lifetime!


T.J. said...

what an experience for her! I'm watching the weather on the news right now- WOW! Hang in there Colleen :)I noticed the new yummy header- a creative way to spend your latest snow filled day ;)

Grammie/Mom said...

Is this the one Kevin made? How are you doing with snow from this storm?

Leslie said...

i remember making them in our backyard and next door at margarets when we were little...when every winter in ny was like the one you are having in va

Jientje said...

I've never had enough snow to be able to make a cave! Us Belgians are getting burried alive with only two inches of snow!
It's true, you have to live here to believe that! We had 1000 km worth of traffic jams yesterday because of two inches of snow the whole country was paralized! LOL!