Sunday, March 7, 2010

A promise

Looking out the window this morning, I noticed something looked slightly different.
Something new...
Something with a promise of Spring!
and Happy (almost) Spring.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Buds on stark limbs are quite an exhilerating sight! Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Nice shots Colleen. Come on you fuzzies, burst forth in spring splendor.

T.J. said...

Spring is soo in the air! I saw geese today headed my way instead of off to warmer places. And I feel i should admit- I always try to "force" budding branches like that in a vase, but I'm never successful. They either do nothing or turn moldy :(

Carletta said...

Love the last one - a sweet promise.
Beautiful macro!
Mine’s here: Carletta’s Captures.

Jama said...

So beautiful!

Kathy said...

The first buds of spring are always so exciting!

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to see signs of spring!

Jay said...

And it's a very welcome sight after this long hard winter, isn't it? The blue sky is a bonus, too!

Maia T said...

So good to see that spring is coming.
Great macro shot.

Helena said...

Awesome macro! Happy (almost) Spring to you too! :)

Jientje said...

Look at that! Gorgeous!

Alita said...

These shots are almost a love story. I love the way you captured them!

I tried to point out the buds to the boys yesterday. Anthony got it right away, but Domo is still too young to get the concept of spring.

Lovely shots! Have a happy Monday chica :)

Leslie said...

yeah!!! we saw some on a walk last night!!!

Kim, USA said...

Wohoo I see those in here too. Spring is here!

The petal

Killara girl said...

always happy to see the first signs of spring...wonderful photos.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Signs of spring..yah..Beautiful photos!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! after such a long winter ! and I am still waiting to see the same here !

Tammie Lee said...

promises of what is to come and such lovely photos too.

Suburban Girl said...

I like that promise.

Andree said...

That is an exciting find! I've been photographing buds, also, hoping to see some significant growth. None! It's making me nuts. Your buds are more hopeful.

Andree's Macro Monday: Rose Hips

Unknown said...

I see what you mean! Almost identical. Sans Kaish : )