Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring showers

It's been raining pretty steadily for the past few days,
but I don't mind a bit
because it brings with it new blooms
and much greener grass.

I glad that the world is getting more colorful even though the skies are a bit gray.


Christina, Sweden said...

Great, so spring is really on it's way there. great Macro

Christina, sweden

Grammie/Mom said...

What tree or bush is that? Do you see the spiderwebbing?

Anonymous said...

It's been raining here too, but I said the same about it as you've written. And it's nice to see something with buds!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I can't wait! It looks like you're a little further ahead than us, though. Yay! =)

margie said...

we are long way from spring even though it has rained a lot here as well. great macro shot.

Jay said...

I have no idea what that shrub/tree is, but I love the way it's bursting with promise - and the colour is great!

Anonymous said...

New blooms & greener grass, yes, yes! Bring on SPRING!

Birgitta said...

Excellent macro shot. I long for spring :)

Maia T said...

This is an excellent macro.
The first spring signs, that's great new.
Hope it come to us too but without rain.

Anonymous said...

I wish spring was on it's way here.
Great shot!

Jientje said...

I LOVE what you can do with that little camera of yours, this macro is superb!

Anonymous said...

That's just gorgeous macro! Love the color!

Unknown said...

Wow, amazing. Is it a flower? Nice photo after the rain.

Andrea said...

Hi i am new here just followed your comment via leavesnbloom. I love that macro of whatever tree that is, very lovely. You seem to be a very very good mom, and a good photographer too. I also love those photos of your children and the zoo in the older photos.

T.J. said...

I want to know what kind of tree/bush it is too! Great picture- love the red tint to it. Champ and I were just squinting out the window at our maple tree this weekend. Through the rain/snow/rain we realized it's tips were tinted read. Guess that means Spring is around here somewhere!

Suburban Girl said...

Very pretty prespring shot. I like that you can make out some spider webs along the stem!

Prizler Photography said...

That is so interesting! Love it.

Colleen said...

To everyone who asked... I haven't a clue what kind of tree that flower is from. Sorry. It grows in my backyard and isn't one that I would consider a flowering tree, but it does have these little blooms for a short time before the leaves appear.

Regina said...

Amazing one!

Ingrid said...

That's beautiful, no spring flowers here yet !

Alita said...

<------ jealous!

Unknown said...

What the heck are those? Very neat looking! Lots of interest!

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful macro! Love the sharp focus in the foreground and blurry background. The trees are beginning to bud here, too.