Monday, February 1, 2010

Macro Monday: Lentils

I didn't have a macro shot ready for today, so I went on a bit of a macro scavenger hunt today.
After taking many, many photos of any number of random household objects, 
I finally settled on these photos as my Macro Monday subjects.
I think it was the light and color that made these pictures stand out over all the others.
There are many more macros to search through on Lisa's Macro Monday page.

Check it out.


Jientje said...

I love the light in this picture. That's what makes it a great macro.

Leslie said...

they looks so pretty...are you making something with them?

Christina, Sweden said...

great light in those macros
lentils - useful to so much

thanks for comment!

Christina, Sweden

T.J. said...

wish these shots could convince Champ that lentils are actually yummy to eat!

Regina said...

How vivid. Beautiful shots!

Jama said...

What are you making? I have lentils at home too, they are sometimes called dhals.

Anonymous said...

The second photo is the one Colleen. All the neat shapes and the monochromatic color -- and the great lighting. Excellent! I love lentils but my wife doesn't, so... I don't use them in my cooking. Bummer.

Grammie/Mom said...

Are you making soup? The color and light is nice.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's creative ! I never thought that lentils could look pretty !

Jay said...

I love the second one! You have that beautifully focussed, which isn't easy for a parallel plane. Well done. :)

Michelle said...

Love the color of lentils and so wish they kept that color after cooking! LOL!

Great photo!

Icy BC said...

Gorgeous photo and beautiful colors!

Dutchbaby said...

Beautiful - golden. Sometimes impromptu shots are the best. I have an Indian friend who makes the best daal dish with these blonde lentils. Mmmm.