Sunday, June 13, 2010

A place for everything and everything in it's place

See that bee?  
He's happy where his is, getting pollen from the flower.
I'm happy with where he is, because he's too busy going about his business to bother me.
It's a win-win kind of deal.

This handsome dragonfly is exactly where I want him,
sitting still and posing for a picture.
This is my first dragonfly shot and I hope to get more over the summer.

Then there's this ant...
He's keeping busy the way ants do 
crawling all over this mushroom.
I'm happy with that.
Ants should stay outdoors at all times.
They should NOT decide to come visit me in my home.
I am not in the business of entertaining insects.
I have my space and they have theirs, right?
Let's not get it all mixed up.
'Cause I might have to take drastic measures.

And don't even get me started with mice!  
They do NOT belong in my pantry...
Ugh, yuck, ewww...

This makes me sad, 
I feel bad, 
but you, little mousie, have invaded my space and I can't live with that.

And neither can you.

Please, people, don't hate me for the mouse trap... 
a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do,
but know that I truly do feel sad that I have to do it.


Leslie said...

you do just have to do it. i felt bad the first time or so and then they started getting in things i did not want them in at all and then all bets were off. i love that dragonfly picture

Jama said...

Lovely macros!
I can't stand ants in my pantry too, so I used those anti- insect paper that's sold here. Mice, thank GOD I don't have that, just cockroaches, which is also another of my enemy!

Tia Colleen said...

Oh how brave of you get up close to that bee. So brave.

And your pictures just keep getting better and better! Always such a pleasure to stop by your blog.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sharpness and depth of field in that first image of the bee on the flower!

(And I know what you mean about the mice)

Anonymous said...

The bugs must like you Colleen because they are willing to pose. Nice series indeed.

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

Nice photos. I have to agree about them just staying outside. then they are all kind of cute.

Yellow House said...

Colleen, you are my photography hero. These are amazing.

PS - Please dont post any "caught" mice pictures :) Good luck hunting those fellas down.

Sabrina said...

You macros are AMAZING!! What lens are you using? I die!

Killara girl said...

wow those are awesome, Colleen. i want to know what lens you use too. you're safe around bees, just don't wave your arms around...they move on once they've discovered your not good enough to eat :)

Birgitta said...

Amazing macros!

Jay said...

Wonderful insect photography! And you know how I love insects! I'm impressed with both the ant and the dragonfly, because they simply don't stay still long enough usually.

The mouse trap? I hate them - but not you. They are a darn sight better than glue traps, which (in my personal opinion are evil things), or poison, which is a terribly way to die, and can get household pets by mistake, or birds like kestrels who eat poisoned rodents.

I used a snap trap once in desperation but the next morning I'd caught one little field mouse by the leg and he'd died of fright, probably, poor thing, and I've never used one since, it made me feel so bad.

BUT, you're right, you can't let them invade your space because they carry diseases and get into your food and pee over everything.

These days I use humane traps and release them. I drive them a long, long way away in the car so they won't come back.

Of course, that does depend on you being willing to handle the trap with the live mice inside, and share a car with them.

Hootin Anni said...

Terrific post!!! I like all the photos you shared and your words of wisdome....but the best photo in my opinion is the mushroom/ant!!

Duranta Blossom is my macro shot for the week. I hope to see you visit with me if you can. Have a glorious Monday.

Alita said...

I'm totally loving your macro photos. Did you get your macro lens yet? I think I'm holding out for the wide angle for my birthday in August... we will see :)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic macros! The dragonfly is my favorite!

Jan n Jer said...

Love all your photos...its so interesting to see the insects in their world. I agree...with you on the mice...they need to stay in their space..not yours!

Alyssa S. said...

Your macro shots are awesome. I so love the bee and the dragonfly. I'm SO glad we haven't had to contend with mice in this house. It would make me sad to do any of them in.

Jess said...

Those are lovely shots Colleen, did you get a macro lens or are you using the macro setting on your old point & shoot? You have my full and complete support in whacking those mice. :)

T.J. said...

Bear would flip for this post- I'm totally showing him later! Congrats on your first dragonfly shot Colleen :)

give the mice a proper burial and I think all will be of in the universe. I always wish I could speak "rodent" it would make life so much easier and less emotional, don't you think?!

Unknown said...

These are all so perfect! I am enamored with the bee and dragonfly!

Ingrid said...

I prefer a cute little mouse to insects ! even if your pictures are very nice, lol !

Anonymous said...

Everything in its place - exactly. I have cats, so sometimes they bring in a mouse and temporarily 'lose' it but it's never going to last long. I feel sorry for them, but there is a kind of natural justice about it: the hunter and the hunted.
But *ants* ants have recetly been driving us nuts with a mini invasion coming in via the bathroom floorboards. We have traps down, we hoover up the insurgents and we contain them in that room with my secret weapon (lines of talcum powder), but STILL they keep coming. It's enough to drive a girl to distraction! I do not like ants!

I do, however, like your photos. Very much. :)

terri browne said...

LOVE the dragonfly photo!

Hopefully your mousie problem is solved soon!

EG CameraGirl said...

Great photos of the bee and dragonfly, Colleen.

Don't feel guilty about the mice. They belong outdoors or...else! :)

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Great macros - I love the detail to the dragonfly wings.

Get a piece of mars bar on that mousetrap - they can resist that chocolate bar. Now that I think of it maybe you don't have mars bars in the USA maybe its a British chocolate bar.

Rosie/Centre of Interest

Anonymous said...

Awesome bee photo. I am not sure I could get that close, I'd have to have the biggest zoom lens ever!

Tara said...

:D I love your photos esp of that dragonfly 'coz it brings to me good and fun memories.

Serline said...

Great insect macros. For a moment there, I was nervous you might show one of a struggling rat... phew!

Joanne Olivieri said...

All of these, spectacular. The bees these days are so busy they never notice us anymore which is great :) Beautiful composition on all of these flowers.

namaki said...

the dragonfly is awsome ... they are so difficult to catch ! Bravo!

Grammie/Mom said...

Love the hungry dragonfly picture but all are terrific! Remember the color and quantity of dragonflies at Molasses Pond?

Icy BC said...

Your macro shots are just absolutely stunning..So clear and focus..

Dan said...

The bee and the dragonfly pictures are awesome. Sorry you have to deal with the mousetraps, babe.

Carletta said...

Terrific shots of the bee and dragonfly!
I like the shot of the mousetrap even if it isn't a pleasant task.

jp said...

awesome macro shots!

Mary said...

Great shots--are you using a macro lens or cropping in editing?

Mousetraps are effective. Lazy cats that stare at baby rats but do nothing...not so much.

Unknown said...

excellent series, the dragonfly is my favourite.

Julie said...

Wow! those were great! I missed this post. You made bugs look magnificent :).